Going Live on DuckDuckGo.com

The most exciting part of hacking on an Instant Answer is launching on DuckDuckGo.com for everyone to enjoy. The search engine serves millions of queries a day all around the world, across hundreds of types of devices.

We'd love for everyone to be able to put their Instant Answer in production - and it's not very difficult at all. In this section, we'll walk you through the process of going live on DuckDuckGo.com.

The Process

Have an idea not yet worked on? Improving an existing Instant Answer?

1. Let the community know you're working on something! Use Slack or email. We're excited to meet you and support you along the way.

2. Apply the Instant Answer Production Guidelines (we'd love to help)

3. Submit a pull request

We hope you'll make use of our walkthroughs, existing live examples, and the reference.

Feedback and Support

You don't have to figure it all out on your own. We have a great community on Slack, as well as at Meetups around the globe. If you need help, or want to think out loud, don't hesitate to join in - we're excited to help newcomers. You can always send an email if you prefer.

Let the community know you exist long before your pull request. The feedback on pull request submissions is mainly pass/fail based on the Production Guidelines, so it's best to have someone in the community help review your work ahead of time for detailed help and feedback.

Maintaining Your Contributions

Even after submission, we encourage contributors to "own" their Instant Answers. That means getting feedback, improving relevance, refining the query space, and maintaining a good experience.

Some ways to keep tabs include:

  • Check in on your Instant Answer page
  • Prod the community for helpful feedback and ideas
  • Keep using it :)

Creating and maintaining an Instant Answer is super rewarding. We're excited to do what we can to help.

slack Have questions? Talk to us on Slack or email us.